CHEEKTOWAGA – Former Town of Cheektowaga councilmember and candidate for supervisor James Rogowski is withdrawing his name from contention one day after filing the petition signatures needed to get on the ballot for the Democratic primary in June.
Mr. Rogowski spoke briefly with the Cheektowaga Chronicle late Friday afternoon and said his decision was based upon threats that were made towards his family Thursday night.
“I walked around last night, called my people and said that I’m going to decline today because I would be devastated if something happened to my family,” he said. “If I catch the person, I going to press full charges against the person. I don’t care who it is; I’m coming after them. My family always comes first.”
He plans to contact law enforcement once he gathers more information.
We’re told that a replacement name to fill his spot for supervisor will be announced during a media conference next week.
Mr. Rogowski was the leader of a trio of candidates challenging the offices of supervisor, highway superintendent, and town clerk. They submitted a total of 1,127 signatures Thursday. Running for the other two spots are town clerk candidate Margaret “Margie” Brezowski and highway superintendent candidate Dean “Dino” Szymkowiak.
The Erie County Board of Elections confirms Mr. Rogowski’s declination.